Thursday, January 5, 2012

For The Boy : I'm new to wine, how do I start?

It's inevitable, your at the point where you feel like she might be the one.  Both of you are young and excited to venture into this wonderful God instituted thing called marriage.  You know you need to take Her to an elegant restaurant, and yes more than likely you will be asked to see the wine list.  This is no place for beer gents. (I've had to learn that the hard way).  What will you do? Do you know wine? Does she? This is an area that needs polishing gents, observe.

The only way to really begin to appreciate and learn wine is to drink it.  Find a good patient wine dealer who can make recommendations and who doesn't make you feel like a wank for already not knowing this key piece of info. It also helps to have some good buddies who know good wine like I do.  Don't get too alarmed about money just yet, there are good bottles of wine for under $20.00.  Your trusted dealer should be able to point you in the right direction.  Store your wine in a good, dark place with a moderate constant temperature like the bottom of your closet. (multiple bottles)

Generally its said that those who appreciate wine more begin with the whites and move to the reds.  Being a craft beer connoisseur  I had already adjusted my palate and was able to jump right into the reds.  I have crossed paths with those who are seasoned and do appreciate a good white wine as well, so there certainly are exceptions to the rule.  Here are some basics to get you started.

Here is a great link which outlines some of the major types and gives a breakdown of each.

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